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Who Are We?

The Alliance of Social Workers in Sports (ASWIS) is a collective voice for social workers to advocate and educate administrators and organizations about the breadth and depth social workers can uniquely bring to athletes and athletic culture. We provide a base for networking, educating, seeking consultation, and collaborating with this subspecialized group of professionals. 


ASWIS provides an opportunity for social workers to develop a professional network of colleagues who can create a national (and international) movement to promote the safety and well-being of athletes of all ages and abilities. We advocate for athlete rights, promote safety standards, and ensure that all athletes receive the recognition and help they need to shine light on the positives of athletic competition.


"It is invigorating and affirming to be with a team of practitioners and scholars that are passionate about defining and professionalizing a new segment of social work practice.  I look forward each fall to attending the ASWIS conference to be with fellow team members who challenge each other to get off the bench and into the game.  Athletes deserve tailored social work interventions and the conference helps to motivate me to contribute to the literature base of this new practice area."


—  Dr. Diana Rowan, MSW Program Director and Associate Professor  

      University of North Carolina - Charlotte 

What our members have to say...

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Dr. Jerry Reynolds

Assistant Professor, Ball State University 

“Being part of a group that allows me to integrate my passion for social work and my love of sports has been one of the most valuable experiences of my professional career”

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Dr. Alex Diaz

Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist, Private Practice

"As a LCSW and sport psychology consultant to Iona University, ASWIS provides a great opportunity to meet like-minded professionals who support, advocate for, and empower an athlete's unique balance of sports performance and mental wellbeing. ASWIS surpasses my expectations as an organization that truly embraces the whole humanity of the athlete by focusing on the individual who happens to wear a sports uniform."

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Charlotte Warren

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, University of Georgia Athletic Association

"I believe the ASWIS community is so special because of the involvement, connections, and fellowships we make as members. We help each other, we learn from each other, and support each other in the space of athletics. The team approach is what aids in our success, advancement, and overall well-being of the athletes we work with."

P.O. Box 407 
Westfield, IN 46074
Tel: (800)567-1178
Fax: (765)285-1029
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