ASWIS History
Established in 2015, the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports raises awareness of the ways in which social work practice can partner with and contribute to all levels and all segments of sports. ASWIS promotes a social worker in sports perspective that is grounded in social and economic justice, strength-based approaches, and person-in-environment frameworks. ASWIS encourages the full range of social work practice in sports, from case management and clinical services through advocacy and policy practice for every level and segment of sports.
ASWIS finalized its incorporation in June 2016 and become an official 501(c)(3) in March of 2017.
EIN Number: 81-3890412
Strategic Plan Goals
The Committee on International Sport Social Work recognizes sport social work has no borders. The committee will develop a working agenda for how ASWIS can further understand, serve, and collaborate with international organizations serving athletes and the communities where they live around the world. This agenda will promote the ASWIS strategic plan. The committee will educate ASWIS members, as well as global sport organizations, on the roles and responsibilities of sport social workers in a global context, and the global opportunities to bring the mission and vision of the social work profession into global arenas addressing sport for development, peace, and social justice. The committee will develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on International Sport Social Work. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee will utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about and positively impact community-based and professional organizations globally who are seeking to engage sport social work interns, and hire sport social workers.
If you are interested in joining this committee please contact admin@aswis.org.